What is Gastric Sleeve?

The gastric sleeve, also known as gastric sleeve, is a surgical technique used in the treatment of obesity to achieve sustained and long-term weight loss. In this intervention, the size of the stomach is reduced (80% of the stomach is removed) from the patient, which limits their ability to ingest and, as a result, the person feels satisfied with less food.

This procedure is usually performed through laparoscopic surgery (closed, scarless surgery). Laparoscopy, due to its less invasiveness, provides faster recovery, cosmetic benefits and greater safety, making it the preferred option today.

The reduction of the stomach transforms this organ into a narrower tube, which causes an earlier feeling of satiety and facilitates weight loss.

When the stomach is reduced in size, the amount of hormones that control appetite and insulin are reduced.

Reduccion del estomago en Iberia Clinic

Operation Summary




Duration of Intervention

45 Minutes

Physical Activity/Sport

4 Weeks

Final Result

6-12 Weeks

Regreso a Trabajar

8 Días


3 Nights

Return to Social Life

2 Days

Average Pain


Gastric Sleeve Price in Turkey

The cost of a gastric sleeve operation can vary depending on the patient’s condition. Since Turkey has the best doctors and hospitals specialized in the area of ​​obesity surgeries, the number of people choosing this surgery in Istanbul is increasing every day. Gastric sleeve is approximately 60% more affordable in Türkiye than in other countries.

What Does Our Offer Contain?

Gastric sleeve surgery is performed with our general surgeon.

  • 3 Nights Hospitalization
  • Online nutritional assistancewhenever you need it.
  • A General Health Checkup
  • Postoperative Medications
  • Personal Assistance in English
  • Follow-up min 1 Year
  • Hotel Accommodation
  • VIP Transfer Airport – Hotel – Hospital

Calculate your Body Mass Index

BMI Classification

Underweight: Under 18.5

  • Severe Thinness: Under 16
  • Moderate thinness: 16 to 16.99
  • Acceptable thinness: 17 to 18.49

Normal range: 18.5 to 24.99

Overweight: Greater than or equal to 25

  • Pre-Obese: 25 to 29.99

Obese: Greater than or equal to 30

  • 30 to 34.99: Obesity grade 1
  • 35 to 39.9: Obesity grade 2
  • Greater than or equal to 40: Obesity grade 3


Realice el cambio que desea en su vida

Tomar la decisión de realizar un cambio físico no siempre resulta fácil pero si usted no está a gusto con su cuerpo, con su sonrisa o su cabello en Iberia Clinic le atendemos desde el principio y le acompañamos durante todo el proceso para que pueda cumplir su sueño. Cada persona merece sentirse feliz y aquí ayudamos a que se ésto se cumpla.

Confíe en nuestros expertos

Iberia Clinic ofrece todos los servicios de cirugía estética, trasplante capilar, tratamientos dentales y operaciónes bariátricas. En todo momento le atenderá nuestro personal más cualificado compuesto por los mejores médicos, cirujanos y dentistas con experiencia internacional. Trabajamos con hospitales que cuentan con certificados reconocidos internacionalmente.

Atención personalizada

Nuestros consultores médicos son nativos en su idioma lo que garantiza una perfecta comunicación para que se sienta como en casa. Una vez de regreso a su país mantenemos el contacto para un óptimo seguimiento.

Satisfacción de los pacientes

Nuestro objetivo es satisfacer sus necesidades y ofrecerle el mejor servicio con una atención personalizada, creando una experiencia única durante su estancia en Estambul. Nuestro éxito se basa en esta satisfacción por parte de nuestros pacientes. En Google Review tenemos 5 Estrellas y más de 320 comentarios que así lo certifican.

    Consulte con nuestro doctor

    Before After Results

    What benefits does gastric sleeve offer?

    The gastric sleeve offers a variety of advantages, such as:

    1. Significant weight loss:It is an effective technique for those patients who need to lose a considerable amount of weight.
    2. Sustained weight loss:The weight reduction is maintained over time.
    3. Minimal visible scars:The intervention is performed using laparoscopy, which means that the scars are minimal and barely visible.
    4. Improved nutrient absorption:Stomach reduction procedures are linked to better absorption of nutrients from food, which contributes to better overall health of the patient.
    5. A healthier heart:Bariatric surgery offers the opportunity to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Protecting your heart and giving you a new start on your journey towards a longer, fuller life.
    6. Reduces the risk of many diseases:Gastric sleeve reduces the risk of fatty liver, type II diabetes, dyslipidemia, high blood pressure, infertility, sleep apnea and joint problems. Also diseases such as liver, kidney, colon, pancreas, thyroid and endometrial cancers.
    7. Increase self-esteem:After undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, patients experience a reduction in their levels of anxiety and depression, while their self-esteem increases significantly. Significant improvement in your quality of life and greater satisfaction with your body image.

    After gastric sleeve surgery

    After undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, it is important to note that this procedure is considered quite safe. It has gained popularity due to its simplicity and safety levels. The surgery is minimally invasive, with only 5 small incisions in the abdomen through which the instruments necessary for the intervention are introduced. However, it requires a recovery period, as the stomach is reduced to approximately two-thirds of its original size, meaning the patient will need to adjust to a reduced gastric capacity.

    Generally, the hospitalization time after the operation is short, ranging between 24 and 48 hours. Subsequently, the patient will begin follow-up with a team of specialists who will assist him in the adaptation process and guarantee the long-term success of the surgery.


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