In general, the causes of a crooked nose come from trauma. The shape of the nose can change due to trauma such as a broken nose, poor rhinoplasty, birth defects, and more.

On the other hand, it can be congenital. For example, people who are born with a deviated septum can also have a crooked nose. And a deviated septum can lead to nosebleeds, breathing problems and can block breathing from one side of the nose.

Either way, these situations lead to uncomfortable breathing, lower quality of life, and causes a lack of self-confidence. Fortunately, We can fix all of these problems with rhinoplasty. At first, the cause of a crooked nose must be determined. If the problem comes from a trauma, this can be treated quickly. But if the problem is congenital, you may have an asymmetrical face. In this case, the doctor may have to make new fractures. This way, the bones will be in the right position during the healing process. It is more difficult, but an asymmetrical face is not a problem that cannot be solved. It is a common problem. 97% of people with a crooked nose have this problem.

This is why crooked nose surgery is more complicated and requires more experienced doctors. Still, with the help of an excellent doctor, you can get the nose you desire. You will no longer have difficulty breathing and you will gain more self-confidence every day! 


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